9-28-18_Tips to Avoid the Stall_Lisa D Magnuson

Tips to Avoid the ‘Stall’

If you sell, you’ve suffered from the ‘Stall’.  Your prospect isn’t returning calls or emails and your project seems as if it’s been put on

09.26.18 _Creating a Hot Prospect List _Lisa Leitch

Creating a Hot Prospect List

We are big advocates of implementing ways to work smarter rather than harder in all aspects of business. One area you will want to apply

09.21.18 _Do You Speak With Confidence _Sheri Levitin

Do You Speak With Confidence?

People often ask me if I get nervous before delivering a presentation. Right now, I’m on a plane headed to Dallas to present a 12

9-19-18_Get a Positive ROI out of Trade Shows_Lisa Magnuson

Get a Positive ROI out of Trade Shows

Conferences, trade shows, forums or seminars; whatever the ‘event’ is being billed as, my clients are preparing for the fall season.  Just as the marketing

09-14-2018_Leading After a Big Client Loss_Lisa Leitch

Leading After A Big Client Loss

We kicked off the year with our highest secured sales along with having a record first-quarter sales. Well on our way to hitting our stretch

09-07-2018_Finding _Elite_ Entrylevel Salespeople_G_Gordon

Finding “Elite” Entry-level Salespeople

We work hard helping clients hire entry level salespeople. Our goal is to teach them a process that improves talent acquisition effectiveness using the #1

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