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How To Prepare For Client Meetings

Many times, we are so focused on setting an agenda and preparing for a client meeting, call or presentation, that we forget to either think

How To Get Meetings With The C Suite

Many people struggle with how to get meetings with the C suite. They do not understand why they are constantly being pushed down in the

How Real Is My Sales Pipeline?

For those sales people who are midway through your fiscal year – or for any sales person at any time, for that matter – are

450 Days of Hoping and Praying

Do you know what I mean by 450 days of hoping and praying? Think about it. Do you have deals in your pipeline that have

Use Acronyms to Impress Clients

Ugh, acronyms. How many times have you been in a meeting and acronyms were used as a normal way of conversing? Are the words so

Pitch Slapped

Nothing bothers me more than hearing how a sales person pitched a client. What does that mean? That you pitched them what you believe are

Sales Metrics You Need to Know

Leading sales metrics are crucial for gauging performance and consistent forecasting across your sales organization. It can tell you where efficiencies and successes are occurring

Storytelling And Sales Forecast

As a sales manager, you need to understand the health of your pipeline to do your job since your management will want you to know

Need to connect with expert?

Are you salesperson looking for tips and techniques to increase your sales from establiched experts? Or perhaps you are a sales trainer.

Woman experts