The Critical 15 Sales Metrics to Monitor

You can’t achieve your revenue sales goal without monitoring interim sales and marketing metrics. Most business owners focus only on the end goals: closed sales

Why Your Losing Customers

Why You Lose Customers

Strategies to Increase Retention, Expand Relationships and Drive Referrals This week I moved my business from one of my long-time vendors – hired someone new.

We Rise by Lifting Others

We Rise by Lifting Others

I never aspired to enter a career in sales, but I had a natural gift for connecting with people, which made sales a natural fit.

Sell Like A Girl

Sell #LikeAGirl

There is an infamous Superbowl commercial for some of us that played in 2015 called #LikeAGirl and in honor of Superbowl weekend I’d like to

5 Ways to Hit Refresh on Your Presentation or Pitch

It’s a sad fact that most sales presentations and pitches are instantly forgettable. And forgettable presentations are unsuccessful presentations. One of the biggest reasons presentations

Top Line Tips

It’s Sales Kick Off (SKO) Season…Again (Must read for those on the SKO planning team!) It’s sales kick off season again and you want a

Three Ways to Conduct a Great Sales Kickoff

Take a look at the word “kickoff.” It’s charged with excitement, anticipation, and energy. Now ask yourself if your upcoming sales kickoff will demonstrate that

Need to connect with expert?

Are you salesperson looking for tips and techniques to increase your sales from establiched experts? Or perhaps you are a sales trainer.

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