The One-Question Motivation Maximizer For Yourself And Your Sales Team


motivation maximizerHere we are headed into the holidays.

And you know what that means – the holiday slump.

The holiday slump occurs when we start mentally rearranging our goals because of days off and the perception that “no one else is working at this time of year”.

As you can imagine, that kind of thinking will kill any hope of hitting your quotas.

So how do you combat it in yourself and in your team? How do you keep everyone motivated every single day?

It’s as simple as asking one question…

“What are you working for today?”

Seriously, what specifically is today’s work dedicated to?

Are you committed to earning $1000 so you can put it in your child’s education fund?

Are you here to earn $500 so you can pay off that last credit card?

Did you come to work to earn $600 for your mortgage?

Your “work” changes when you assign a very specific outcome to its accomplishment.

Instead of the same-old, same-old feeling of drudgery at tackling a list of boring tasks, you can tap into a deep sense of purpose and motivation when you get specific about your reason for working today.

Ask someone sitting next to you, “What you working for today?” and keep drilling down until they give you a specific goal. Then share with them what you are working for today.

Here’s mine:

Today I came to work to drive $200,000 in sales for one my clients. I have a program that will completely change her life when she implements it. And I am 100% committed to helping her understand and act on that.

That’s the reason I got out of bed early, got dressed and prepared for a phone call this morning. I’m going to change someone’s future today.

Am I excited about that? You betcha!

So, what is your specific reason for working today? Share it below so we can see all the cool things you’re doing!

Need more help getting and staying focused? Download a free copy of our one-page simple plan. You will see exactly how easy it is to plan your entire year on one sheet of paper.

Laura PoseyLaura Posey is Chief Instigator of Simple Success Plans. You can check out her work and download free sales-building tools at

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