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Get More Women Applicants for Sales Roles – Carbon Black Video

Susan An Senior Sales Director Carbon Black


WOMEN Sales Pros is on the lookout for more great videos like the one I’m sharing below which makes the case for more women in sales and sales leadership at companies around North America. This one is from Carbon Black, a Boston-area cybersecurity solutions company.

In this video, Senior Sales Director Susan An talks about her seven years at Carbon Black and addresses things like having a culture in the company around discussions around maternity leave and support for work-life balance – without sacrificing ambition.

“People with healthy family lives have healthy professional lives” – Susan An

What I love at the end are two statements once the video is over which show that they did an analysis in 2017 on equal pay for equal work there, and also that they have a commitment to hiring more diverse talent.

If you have a company video that talks about your efforts to create inclusive sales teams, please submit a link or comment CLICK HERE to send email.

Lori Richardson President WOMEN Sales Pros
Lori Richardson is President of Women Sales Pros and is working to see more women in sales and sales leadership in companies where there are male-majority sales teams. She is also Founder and CEO of Score More Sales.

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