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Women Prefer Sales Rep Role


Sales rep RoleGreat news women in sales!

A new survey was released by FairyGodBoss about the Top 10 Best Job Titles and Departments for Women.

WOMEN Sales Pros could not be happier to see that the #3 BEST job title by those who have visited the site is SALES REP!

We tell a lot of people how great the career of professional selling is, so it is music to our ears when we can share data that reflects our passion for more women in sales.

Not only are many companies looking for more women in sales, the women themselves rate sales as a top career.

Sales can be one of the most financially rewarding positions second only to the c-suite in many companies. In addition, many sales roles can now be performed remotely – in a home office or in a part time “in office” and part time home office set up.

I was not familiar with FairyGodBoss until this study was shared. Check them out for salary information, company information, and for a place where you can ask any business questions anonymously.

Here’s to more women in sales!

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Lori Richardson is President of WOMEN Sales Pros and the author of the upcoming book, She Sells, She Leads to be released in 2017. Lori speaks to company leaders on 5 ways to get more women into sales and sales leadership roles. Visit the WOMEN Sales Pros blog and follow us on Twitter at WOMENSalesPros.


One Response

  1. I love hearing this. Too many times there are reports of “women not achieving the same levels as men, blah, blah…” It’s a CHOICE most of the time. The freedom to push yourself as hard as you want, rearrange a schedule to suit family and a personal life are HUGE achievements. Work smarter to make more money, not harder. GOOD/GREAT women sales pros understand this. Thank you for posting this good news!

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