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Gratitude for Women in Sales Efforts

Gratitude for WOMEN in sales

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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]This is the time of year to reflect on great things happening to help move the needle for more women in sales (#womeninsales) and sales leadership in B2B companies with “male majority” sales teams and male sales leadership.

Thank you to the women helping to champion change, and our male allies.

Here are resources to check out, join, attend, share, and recommend.

Thank you to the #WomenSalesPros community – it is because of you that we work hard every day on our goals.

We Need to Talk – excellent webinar with John Barrows, Trish Bertuzzi, Casey Jones, and me on “Bro Culture” which means the mentality to “win at all costs” – ultra-competitive culture many of us have experienced at some point in our sales careers. It covers hiring, promotion, speaking up, and double standards for women in sales.

Let’s Keep Talking – John Barrows’ take on the conversation we had, plus a link to the Google Spreadsheet with all of the comments both men and women in sales made (plus resources!) – worth checking out!

When it comes to learning more facts about the lack of women in sales and sales leadership, I’m grateful to Dr. Joel LeBon of Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School who is working with me on research and data to help solve this business issue. Connect with him on LinkedIn – tell him I sent you! More to come on our research project.

I’m grateful to be an advisor for #GirlsClub – an amazing comprehensive, online training / mentoring program (with an in-person event at the end) for aspiring women sales leaders. There are great mentors, sponsors, and staff building a unique program. My hat is off to Founder Lauren Bailey and new Executive Director Margaret Weniger. If you know a woman (or are a woman) with executive potential, check them out.

It’s been a pleasure listening to all of the Conversations with Women in Sales created by podcaster Barb Giamanco. For a refreshing podcast with top women sales leaders interviewed, check it out!

I joined Barb for a segment on How to Make a Difference in Your Sales Career.

Big gratitude for mentor and friend Jill Konrath who gave an inspiring speech at the Women in Sales Awards North America event in Dallas this year.

Continued success to Cynthia Barnes in her efforts to strike up local support around the country – and the world – with the National Association Women Sales Professionals

Finally, the AA-ISP (association for professionalizing the role of Inside Sales) has been a strong supporter throughout the last few years, most recently scheduling a main stage discussion about the need for more women in sales leadership with sales leaders from Microsoft, Salesforce, and SAP. Watch for a post on this here on the WSP blog shortly. I’m grateful to Bob Perkins, Larry Reeves, Ashley Gagliano, Kameron Hobbs, Jen Gergen, and the rest of the AA-ISP team for their support.

Who are you grateful for in advancing your career or who led you toward a career in professional sales?

Tweet about your mentors @womensalespros #mentors #womeninsales

Lori Richardson President WOMEN Sales Pros

Lori Richardson is President of Women Sales Pros and is working to get more women into B2B sales and sales leadership roles. Sign up for updates here and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and interact in our Facebook community.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]


3 Responses

  1. Lori – thanks for highlighting my #womeninsales podcast! I appreciate you, your support of me and all women and for everything you do to help better balance the diversity and inclusion scales!

  2. Thanks for shining a spotlight on such an important issue. Looking forward to working with Women Sales Pros to help more deserving women move into sales leadership with our “Executive Presence for Women in Sales” program kicking off in 2019!

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