Welcome To Sales Shebang


sales shebang b2b sales expertsThere are two reasons this site was launched in a world with millions of websites.

  1. We know of NO OTHER site that shows you the top women B2B sales experts in the world in action. These experts are busy consulting with some of the best and brightest company leaders, they are traveling around their state, province, country, and in some cases the world to help businesses grow revenues.  We sometimes get overlooked when business conference teams get together to think of who they know can rock the main stage and help sales reps and sales leaders with strategies for sales.
  1. New sellers and those sales professionals who are true learners want a site to go to where they can gain a quick tip, and idea, and a plan for their own sales progress. This site welcomes everyone wanting to learn how to sell better and how to sell more consistently and with integrity.

You will find over 60 sales experts at the time of this launch, and more to be identified as we go forward. We will post the best sales content you can find, and we’ll connect you to other sites and experts we admire who support the Sales Shebang® vision and mission.

These are not just top sales experts – many are also very social online and have huge followings. Brands connect with us to help shine a spotlight on their products and services. Our collective power is millions and millions of eyes.

You will see sponsors who recognize and support the need for a showcase for women sales experts to offer companies, associations, and industry conferences an opportunity to diversify their main stage presenters.

Thank you for your visit. We encourage comments and feedback to make this a most valuable site for you.

Lori Richardson
President, Sales Shebang®

Lori Richardson - Score More SalesLori Richardson is recognized on Forbes as one of the “Top 30 Social Sales Influencers” worldwide. Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside sales teams in mid-sized companies. Visit Score More Sales website.

email lori@scoremoresales.com | My LinkedIn Profile | twitter

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