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Summer Sales School 2023 – Lesson #6


Karen Kelly – 3 Tips to Lead Effective Meetings

As September approaches, we start getting the back to school feeling again. The need to re-set, focus on our goals and put a plan in place to move the needle. How can we take this approach and zoom in to the meetings we conduct? How can we channel Back to Basics? Ensure we are applying best practices to our meetings. Time is our currency, do our meetings get us closer to our end goal? Or are they filled with endless topics keeping us in the same spot with no buy in or clear path forward?

Tune in to this webinar that provides a detailed framework to effectively lead a meeting that engages our audience, aligns the objectives and gains next steps.

Key Take-aways:

  • Mindset- Consider our audiences perspective- Can we shift our lens to tap in to their beliefs, questions to create a unique experience built on trust.
  • Structure- Follow a repeatable predictable framework that maintains control and engagement. Free us up to  let our authentic self shine through.
  • Accountability Plan- create a mental scorecard to track our audience's behaviour. What are we saying, doing that is causing them to lean in or out? Read the unspoken cues.

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