A Tale of Two Sales Conferences – Woman in Sales Viewpoint


The Top Sales World European Sales Enablement Summit is a top-quality event in London on October 4th. It has four women keynote speakers talking about sales and sales enablement out of ten keynote speakers. That’s 40%, which probably matches up well with the make-up of the audience I would suspect.

CEO Jonathan Farrington says about the event: “Top Sales World’s primary objective for this first European Sales Enablement Summit is, quite simply, to join the dots,” says Farrington. “We will be viewing the Sales Enablement ‘landscape’ from every angle; the entrepreneur, the researcher, the strategist, the futurist, the practitioner, the technology provider, the messenger, the presenter, all have their own commitment to sales enablement excellence but each has their own approach.”

Speakers include:

Tiffani Bova, Sales Strategist and Innovation Evangelist, Salesforce

Linda Richardson, Best Selling Author and founder of Richardson

Tamara Schenk, Research Director at CSO Insights

Michelle Vazanna, Partner at Vantage Point Performance

Jonathan Farrington has always made a big effort to involve both women and men into his initiatives – his programs, and what he as an organization promotes.

Check out this event – you can register for it here, and we have a special discount code TSW17/LOR for those of you in the UK who can attend.

There is no shortage of great women sales speakers – after all, at WOMEN Sales Pros we list more than 50 on our site.  Most are speakers – there are also more women speakers over at our friends at Innovative Women.

We saw this one the other day:

It’s called World Sales Leaders – 7 Top Speakers on One Stage–

NO women on the stage.

One of the speakers shared the event on his LinkedIn profile page and a woman posted a comment that it was too bad there were no women speaking. The response was not one of ownership, but of blame:

“I will share with the producers your comment who are putting on the event.”

In my mind, that is not leadership. It’s passing the buck. No wonder boardrooms and sales leadership is still male majority in most industries in North American businesses when people pass the buck and don’t stand up.

There is a site to post events like this, it’s called Congrats, You Have an All-Male Panel.

This is the time to stand up for more women in sales and sales leadership – and on the main stage. The women in the audience need to see themselves – other women – which helps them aspire to bigger roles in leadership. By not doing this it keeps progress from happening.

“If you can see it, you can BE it.”

What are your thoughts on the topic? Please share with us through Twitter @WomenSalesPros.

Lori Richardson is President of WOMEN Sales Pros and the author of the upcoming book, She Sells, She Leads to be released in 2017. Lori speaks to company leaders on 5 ways to get more women into sales and sales leadership roles. Visit the WOMEN Sales Pros blog and follow us on Twitter at WOMENSalesPros.

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